When I first arrived, however, I was immediately struck by how many travelers seem to miss out on what I view as Puerto Vallarta's most noteworthy attraction: its local artisans.
As part of the Caras de Mexico Project, Dustin Fairchild gives us a brief description of how travelling became his lifestyle.
Víctor Ramos describes the history of Tequila: Mexico's National Drink.
Interview with Marcella Castellanos, mexicanamerican living in Puerto Vallarta.
As part of the Caras de Mexico Project, the artist Rodolfo Agüero, gives us a brief description of how Art is perceived by Mexicans.
Dr. Jesus Gomez Santana gives his perspective of medicine in Mexico through the Project "Caras de México".
The Caras de Mexico dynamic was present at Puerto Vallarta’s “Plaza...
Plaza Caracol - Some people took a minute of their time to answer “What...
Again, the Caras de Mexico dynamic was held in Puerto Vallarta’s...
Norma Furlong, Tuakri president, describes Mexico as a world power and says...
Pablo Delgadillo, a worker from Delcor Marketing thinks that for Mexico to be a...